Cancer Can't News


Cancer Can’t Board Member introduces groundbreaking cancer screening method

Dr. Arvind Chaudhry

Proactive blood screening detects cancer earlier and more efficiently, potentially saving lives.

Radio hosts serve ice cream at Ben & Jerry's

Ben & Jerry's Partnership

Local Store Donation

Ben & Jerry's in Spokane hosted a free scoop day, to support Cancer Can't.

Becky Van Keulen

Cancer Can't Awarded $1.5M

Federal funding for patient housing

Federal funds will be applied to the Cancer Can't Lodging Campaign, which is a new housing structure for cancer patients in the Spokane area.

Cancer Can't Lodging facility

Lodging Campaign finds Support

Patient housing one step closer

Cancer Can't Lodging campaign receives federal budget appropriations toward patient housing.

Image of modern bed with orange accents and warm lighting.

Lodging Campaign Launched

Donations to create facility for cancer patients

Cancer Can't launched a campaign to build a 20-unit facility  for adult cancer patients traveling to Spokane for treatment, with private units and flexible space for caregivers.

Becky Van Keulen, Cancer Can't Founder

Cancer Can't Founder: Woman of the Year

Becky Van Keulen selected as Woman of the Year

Cancer Can't founder, chosen for Inland Northwest award, discusses nonprofit's origin and growth plans.

Three female Cancer Can't volunteers

Cancer Can't featured in Inlander Magazine

Volunteers provide cancer patients with transportation to their medical appointments.

Full Article: Page 16

Woman holds a sign reading

Cancer Can't seeks volunteer drivers

Nonprofit provides cancer patients with transportation to medical appointments.


Cancer Can't supports patients during pandemic

Volunteers provide transportation to medical appointments during global pandemic.

Male doctor speaks to a patient in his hospital bed

Cancer screenings down, diagnoses up during pandemic

How the pandemic impacted cancer patients and their physicians.

Cancer can't patient sitting with a head wrap on her porch

Cancer Can't offers transportation for cancer patients

Rural patients benefit from Cancer Can't transportation program.

Dave Sevier, Cancer Can't volunteer

Cancer Can't volunteer wins STCU Volunteer Award

Dave Sevier wins local volunteer award for his generosity at Cancer Can't.

Family posing with Cancer Can't volunteer at Christmas toy drive

Spokane nonprofits struggle as donations dip

The pandemic has affected many nonprofits, but Cancer Can't vows to push forward on their holiday gift drive.

Woman driving a cancer patient to a medical hospital

Cancer Can’t seeks volunteer drivers

Drivers can be the difference between life and death for cancer patients.

Van Keulen family walking in the hallway of a hospital

Van Keulen Family's fighting spirit

Becky and Jonathan Van Keulen discuss their cancer journey.

Full Article: Page 8